Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My Recommendation

Herbert Spencer was one of the most prominent figures in political sociology. He is stated to be the creator of neoliberalism (neoclassical liberalism or conservative liberalism). He is especially appreciated in the UK and USA where both economic liberalism and conservative approach to tradition and religion are, at one time, perceived as needed factors that enable a state to function properly. I want to recommend to you one of his works entitled "The Man versus the State"(1884). This book presents, in a concise form, his main ideas concernig neoliberalism and its practical application. I believe that you will like it as it deals with issues which are valid also nowadays. Here are a few links if you want to get to know something more about H. Spencer and his works:


AgataL said...

I am absolutely amazed at your recommendation :) Can you say a few words on how you became interested in politics in general and in Herbert Spencer in particular?

Basia said...

The reasons are not very complicated:) I read the book because I needed it to write my term paper on sociology.

beti86 said...

I'm speechless... or maybe not :P I like his theories too, it's hard to say that I agree with him (on some grounds for sure), because of world changes constantly and so do political studies, but I have to admit that he was an exceptional scholar, and ahead of his times. Doctor Gałązka would be proud :D