Since the American president has a lot of power and his decisions influences lives of people around the world, the choice of the new man for this position is the event which is of high importance for almost everyone. It is obvious that what he thinks and intends to introduce or abolish will somehow have impact on us. Nowadays many Americans believe that the reign of Obama will bring some positive changes in the country and foreign policy. They are very optimistic, hopeful and see only the bright side of future. I think that even though Mr.Obama might perform some positive actions, he will not be good at dealing with everything. Therefore, it is good to take the recent events with a pinch of salt. Maybe I am too pesimistic but for me everything that appears to be promising in politics, usually proves to be only half as good as it was claimed to be.
U should study Political Science my child xP U R absolutely right about not being too optimistic about it, I wish him all the best, but he had large companies supporting him during the elections, thanks to them he won and now he has to reciprocate the favor.
How nice that you also look at things realistically
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